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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Maker Builds

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Gladys Project: a Raspberry Pi home assistant

Gladys Project: a Raspberry Pi home assistant

If, like me, you’re a pretty poor time-keeper with the uncanny ability to never get up when your alarm goes off and yet still somehow make it to work just in time — a little

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyGladys ProjectHome Assistanthome automationMaker Builds
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags BitBarista: a fully autonomous corporation

BitBarista: a fully autonomous corporation

To some people, the idea of a fully autonomous corporation might seem like the beginning of the end. However, while the BitBarista coffee machine prototype can indeed run itself without any human interference, it also

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyautonomousBitBaristabitcoincoffeeMaker Builds
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Hacker House’s gesture-controlled holographic visualiser

Hacker House’s gesture-controlled holographic visualiser

YouTube makers Hacker House are back with a beautiful Flick-controlled holographic music visualiser that we’d really like to have at Pi Towers, please and thank you. Make a Holographic Audio Visualizer with Gesture Control Find all the

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyHacker HousehologramMaker BuildsOptical IllusionYouTubers
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Raspberry Pi Halloween projects 2017

Raspberry Pi Halloween projects 2017

Come with us on a journey to discover the 2017 Raspberry Pi Halloween projects that caught our eye, raised our hair, or sent us screaming into the night. Happy Halloween Whether you’re easily scared or practically unshakeable,

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyhalloweenMaker Builds
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Poplawski’s Holiday Frights

The Poplawski’s Holiday Frights

After becoming internet-famous for their interactive Christmas lights, the Poplawskis have expanded their festive offerings this year with Holiday Frights, a fiendish collection of spooky decor controlled by a Raspberry Pi. The Poplawskis’ holid...

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyhalloweenInteractiveMaker BuildsPoplawski
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Ben’s Raspberry Pi Twilight Zone pinball hack

Ben’s Raspberry Pi Twilight Zone pinball hack

When Ben North was faced with the dilemma of his nine-year-old son wanting him to watch his pinball games while, at the same time, Ben should be doing housework, he came up with a brilliant

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyBen NorthMaker Buildspinballretro games
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Twitter makers love Halloween

Twitter makers love Halloween

Halloween is almost upon us! In honour of one of the maker community’s favourite howlidays, here are some posts from enthusiastic makers on Twitter to get you inspired and prepared for the big event. Lorraine’s VR

LinuxNewsPCTechnologyFirrhalloweenJustin SmithLorraine UnderwoodMaker Buildstwitter
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Derek Woodroffe’s steampunk tentacle hat

Derek Woodroffe’s steampunk tentacle hat

Halloween: that glorious time of year when you’re officially allowed to make your friends jump out of their skin with your pranks. For those among us who enjoy dressing up, Halloween is also the occasion

LinuxNewsPCTechnologycostumeDerek WoodroffehalloweenMaker BuildsProfExtremesteampunkwearables